

Combination imprint (provider identification) from the Telemedia Act (TMG), the Interstate Media Treaty for Broadcasting and Telemedia (MStV) and information in accordance with the Service Information Obligations Regulation (DL-InfoV) based on the EU Services Directive (Directive 2006/123/EC Official Journal of the EU2006, L376/36 "DRLR")

Provider and thus responsible for the commercial and business-like website within the meaning of § 5 of the Telemedia Act in function as the core law of the Electronic Commerce Unification Act ElGVG and the Act on the Regulation of the Framework Conditions for Information and Communication Services (IuKDG), is SPAX International GmbH & Co. KG, represented by the managing Nikolas Dicke, Michael Salzig, Christian Abke.


Information according to § 2 paragraph 1 Dienstleistungs-Informationspflichten-Verordnung (DL-InfoV) This website is an information service of the


SPAX International GmbH & Co. KG
Kölner Straße 71 - 77
58256 Ennepetal, Germany


Phone: +49 2333 799-0
Fax: +49 2333 799-199

Registered office: D – 58256 Ennepetal

District Court Hagen HRA 4845
District Court Hagen HRB 6652 personally liable partner: ABC Verbindungstechnik GmbH

Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)

Bank account:
Deutsche Bank Wuppertal:
Account 3 729 522 Bank code 330 700 90
IBAN DE 93 3307 0090 0372 9522 00

Tax office Schwelm
VAT identification number: DE 813 561 877

Managing directors with power of representation: Nikolas Dicke, Michael Salzig, Christian Abke.

Responsible for content: Nikolas Dicke, Michael Salzig, Christian Abke.

Publication of the contact details of the data protection officer in accordance with Article 37 (7) EU GDPR
External data protection officer according to Art. 37 EU-DSGVO / § 38 BDSG-new:
Mr. Stefan Fischerkeller – German Data Protection Office
Phone +49 7542 / 949 21 00,

Maintenance of this website:
SPAX International GmbH & Co. KG

Characteristics of the service of SPAX International GmbH & Co. KG:
Information in accordance with the Service Information Obligations Ordinance (DL-InfoV)
The object of the company is evident from the contents of this website.

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All rights reserved. Text, images and graphics as well as their arrangement on the website are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content of these websites may not be copied, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.


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